The United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama is accepting nominations for the Criminal Justice Act (“CJA”) Panel Attorney of the Year Award. The award is designed to recognize a CJA panel attorney who has provided outstanding legal representation to indigent criminal defendants, and has consistently demonstrated the high ideals of professionalism and excellence expected of CJA panel attorneys.
Attorneys who are admitted to this Court and are in good standing are invited to submit nominations for the CJA Panel Attorney of the Year, in writing, to the Clerk of Court, by September 18, 2015. The CJA Panel Selection Committee will review the nominations, and will make the final selection. This year’s recipient of the CJA Panel Attorney of the Year Award will be announced at the CJA annual luncheon, which will be held on October 2, 2015.
Past recipients have included:
2010: Arthur Madden (inaugural award)
2011: Gordon Armstrong
2012: Richard Alexander
2013: Greg Hughes
2014: Sidney Harrell
Friday, August 28, 2015